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Public Engagement Opportunities


The WAVES project will gather input from stakeholders and the general public including residents, property owners, business owners, and community organizations as outlined in the Community Participation Plan. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some public events may be held remotely using virtual tools and platforms. Anyone requiring an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication during public engagement activities events is encouraged to notify the City in advance. Please contact the City of Albany Planning Department at or by phone at (518) 465-6066

Project Idea Surveys

October - November 2022

Building on public input received in 2021 (see below), these surveys presented potential improvement projects for the 3 waterfront areas. Each survey received between 100 and 200+ responses. Thank you for your input on the project ideas!


Public Survey:
South Waterfront District (S-BOA)



Public Survey:
North Warehouse District (N-BOA)



Public Survey:
Albany Waterfront Survey (LWRP)


For more detailed information on the LWRP projects, please scroll down.

LWRP Projects

LWRP Potential Project Descriptions 

Hover over the photo tiles below to read a description of each potential project (on desktop view)


Central Warehouse Redevelopment

The proposed project would redevelop a large, vacant building at the Waterfront Gateway on Colonie St. near the entrance to downtown. Given the building’s history and visibility, as well as its proximity to the Hudson River, Livingston Avenue Bridge, Skyway, and waterfront recreational uses, the success of this project is considered critical to the revitalization of the Waterfront Gateway area.


Waterfront Marketing Strategy

Develop a marketing strategy to promote the waterfront including local businesses, activities, and events:

  • Create a brand for the waterfront to provide visitors with a sense of arrival.

  • Identify an organization or partnership responsible for programming and promoting businesses, activities, and events on the waterfront. Partners could include the Downtown Albany BID and local tourist attractions.

  • Promote new and existing activities and events through a website, brochures, posters, traditional media, and social media.


North Warehouse District Redevelopment

The City would continue to support general development efforts in the North Warehouse District, including redevelopment of underutilized properties and sites with historic value into vibrant mixed-use properties. These efforts could also be supported with public realm enhancements that further enhance the district and its connections to the waterfront and surrounding neighborhoods.


Downtown Redevelopment

As part of its waterfront revitalization strategy, the City would continue to support redevelopment of key underutilized/vacant land and buildings Downtown into vibrant mixed-use properties. Property redevelopment will be supported with public realm enhancements, pop-up retail and other complementary investments.

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Riverfront Garage Improvements

This downtown parking garage with views to the Hudson River has tremendous potential. A study is underway to assess improvements options such as adding more decks of parking, building a completely new parking structure, and/or constructing a mixed-use building over the parking structure. This project would support redevelopment plans for the best use of this property as part of the revitalization of the waterfront. Potential benefits may include improved views and increased parking for residents and tourists visiting the waterfront.


Install New and Enhanced Amenities in Corning Riverfront Park

Extensive public engagement for the LWRP and the Shoreline Study showed a strong desire to have additional amenities on the waterfront for public use. Enhancements might include a visitor center, restrooms, information kiosks, modern playground, improved water access, enhanced visual appearance, and safety features. 


Liberty Park District Redevelopment

The proposed project, led by Capitalize Albany, would assemble nearly eight acres of property in the Liberty Park section of Downtown, which is generally bound by Broadway, Green Street, Hudson Avenue and Pruyn Street, and redevelop it into a mixed-use development with residential and commercial uses that would yield an estimated $100 million in new investment.


Multi-modal Transportation Center

The proposed project would create a new Transit Center to replace the substandard Greyhound Bus Terminal in the Liberty Park area. A feasibility study is underway exploring the need for a new bus station that includes Greyhound, CDTA transfer hub, and a 900-car parking garage. The project has the potential to support the revitalization of the Downtown while improving access to the waterfront and more sustainable, multi-modal connections throughout the WRA.


Port of Albany Marine Terminal Improvements

Updates to the Port of Albany marine terminal to support modern, resilient, and sustainable operations and enhanced marine commerce. Improvements would include a rehabilitation of Shed 1 - a 60,000 sf warehouse.


Implement Hudson River Shoreline Stabilization Study Recommendations

The Hudson River Shoreline Stabilization Study, completed in 2021, lays out a strategy for restoring and enhancing Albany’s riverfront, providing a clear direction for improvements along the shore that preserve and protect the waterfront as an environmental, economic, and public resource. Recommendations from the study including those related to buffers, habitats, wooded shorelines, fishing access, riparian buffers, flooding, and erosion would be implemented as part of the waterfront revitalization strategy.


Port of Albany Access Improvements

Improvements to the roads that run through the center of the port campus as well as improvements to the northern exit point. Updates would include improvements to the road surfaces and design to accommodate commercial cargo activity and allow sufficient clearance for large trucks to exit from the north end of the Port safely while minimizing conflicts with pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motor vehicles in the area. This project would reduce the burden on S. Pearl and would eliminate sharp turns and Railroad crossings for larger cargo.


Corning Riverfront Park Tidal Pool Engineering Study

This project would be to complete a full engineering study to determine options to redesign the tidal ponds as an ecological and recreational centerpiece of the Corning Riverfront Park. It would explore options to improve habitats and water quality, decrease erosion, and increase shoreline access, water-dependent activities, and visitation.


South End Connector Phase 2 Activation

The South End Connector is a new shared-use trail under I-787 in the south end of Albany. It connects with the Mohawk-Hudson Bike-Hike Trail, as it leaves Downtown Albany and with the Albany County Rail Trail near the Port of Albany. The purpose of Phase 2 is to activate the space along the shared-use trail with landscaping, lighting, murals/art, a skate park, etc. The design goals, as defined through an active public engagement process, are to (1) reflect the community, (2) create gathering spaces, (3) be vibrant, (4) feel safe and connected and (5) be green.


Wakanda Community Heritage Park


This park is envisioned as a vibrant and progressive space depicting the history and diversity of culture in the South End, that serves the local residents and creates a positive impression on travelers passing through the community as they access I-787. A dynamic park design will signal a bright future and optimism, while encouraging development and improving property values. The goal is to create a park the community can relate to that reinforces that they have not been forgotten and their contributions, culture, values, and needs matter. 


Little Basin Park

This project is a long-term vision for redeveloping the lands in the vicinity of the Central Warehouse building at Erie Blvd, Colonie St, and Water St. If lands become available, the idea would create a public park space at this Waterfront Gateway on the site of the former Erie Canal “Little Basin” near the original Lock 1. The project also advances the Hudson River Shoreline Stabilization Study which suggested passive uses with flood mitigation elements to combat a 27” sea level rise scenario by 2050 and inland flooding from larger storms.  < View larger image >

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Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Improvements

Currently during large storm events, debris and ‘floatables’ enter the CSO system and are deposited into the Hudson River by outflows such as the one in the small bay on the north side of Island Creek Park. This limits the safe use of this bay by boaters and park-goers. The project would capture floatables before they enter the Hudson River using subterranean systems in the vicinity of S. Pearl Street and Gansevoort Street. These two systems would address CSO outflows #13 and #14 respectively.


Livingston Avenue Bridge Replacement

Continue to work closely with NYSDOT, CSX, Amtrak, and other stakeholders regarding pedestrian and bicycle accommodations on the new Livingston Avenue Bridge to ensure that this key connection provides both pedestrian and bicycle paths to and across the bridge.


Hudson River Gateway and Connections

The project would build on the Hudson River Gateway Improvements Project, to design and implement improvements to the waterfront gateway at Colonie Street and Quay Street and the Hudson River Underpass gateway at Broadway and Quay Street. The purpose of the project, which may include lighting displays; safety, landscaping, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements; and interpretive and/or wayfinding signage is to promote and enhance the connections between Downtown Albany, the Warehouse District, and the riverfront.


Broadway Bike Loop

Create a bike lane along Broadway that would connect to the existing Empire Trail at the Hudson River Underpass and extend to Bridge Street in the Warehouse District (By Druthers Brewing Company.) A spur would be created down North Ferry Street and/or Lawrence Street along a stretch of Erie Boulevard to safely reconnect riders with the Empire Trail and Riverfront Preserve at Quay Street and Water Street.  From the corner of Quay Street and Water Street a bike lane would be added to Water Street that extends to Orange Street so riders can connect back to the Skyway entrance/Quackenbush Square. 

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Improvements to Maiden Lane and the Hudson River Way Pedestrian Bridge Entrance

The proposed project would increase pedestrian safety around the Maiden Lane entrance to the Hudson River Way Pedestrian Bridge. In 2019 a set of construction documents were created and the following improvements were identified: restoration or replacement of the decorative pillars at the bridge entrance, enhancements to pedestrian lighting, and the installation of benches, tables, planters, and artwork. Bollards would also be installed together with pedestrian-only signage along the Broadway and Water St. side of Maidan Lane to cut vehicle traffic.


Bike Hubs at Riverfront and Quackenbush Garage Areas

Creation of Bike Hubs at both the Riverfront Garage adjacent to the bridge to Jennings Landing and the Quackenbush Garage adjacent to the Skyway and Quackenbush Square. Each location would feature multiple bike racks, tool kits, air pumps, water fountains/bottle fillers and/or vending machines, and bike storage lockers.


Reconstruct Corning Riverfront Boat Launch

Reconstruction of the Corning Riverfront Boat Launch is recommended to ensure the launch is safe for visitors and accommodating for a variety of boating activities. Further evaluation of the boat ramp will be required to ensure the launch is stable for motor craft. An accessible soft launch for kayaks and canoes will provide expanded opportunities for recreation in the Hudson River. The bulkhead will require further evaluation for upgrades to expand opportunities for recreation. A long-term maintenance plan should also be prepared to ensure debris is kept clear from the boat launch.


Enhance Pedestrian Crossings to Improve Waterfront Access from Adjacent Neighborhoods

This project would improve and expand pedestrian crossings with lighting, signage, landscaping, and accessible sidewalks in the North Broadway, Downtown, and South End areas to improve safety and waterfront access, particularly for nearby residents and underserved neighborhoods. Potential project elements include: new or improved neighborhood railroad crossings, sidewalk connections in the North Warehouse District, and others bike/ped recommendations from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 


Waterfront Parking Strategy

Prepare a coordinated parking strategy throughout the waterfront revitalization area to improve the supply and quality of parking to serve existing and proposed destinations.


Participate in the I-787 Feasibility Study

In an effort to fully support the decommissioning of 787, the city will participate in the NYSDOT engineering feasibility study to "reimagine" Interstate 787 in downtown Albany. The push to reimagine 787 comes as other cities in New York and across the country make progress toward reclaiming land now consumed by highways. In Syracuse, for instance, demolition will start soon on an elevated portion of Interstate 81 called the Viaduct. (source: Albany Business Review, 4/11/22)

Emerald Anklet Connections

This overarching project would create a series of connected green spaces in the South End Sub-Area, improving waterfront access, environmental quality, and recreational opportunities for area residents and visitors. This would be achieved by linking several existing and planned green space projects as well as new ideas such as The South End Connector, Riverview Feasibility Study, Rensselaer Street Riverview Park and Improvements to Island Creek Park.
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South End Riverwalk Feasibility Study

Examine the feasibility of adding a full or partial pedestrian riverwalk along the Hudson River between Island Creek Park and the Snow Dock (location of USS Slater). This could potentially be achieved by using city-owned land/paper streets and public right-of-ways along the waterfront. 


Albany Rowing Center Feasibility Study

Develop a feasibility study for constructing a new Albany Rowing Center boat shed with enhanced amenities to allow for larger and more frequent events. The project would replace the facility at the current location next to the Riverfront Preserve boat launch or relocate the facility to a larger site. Improved facilities would allow the not-for-profit ARC to expand events and programming for a broader audience.


Rensselaer Street Riverview Park

This project will explore the possibility of adding a passive urban park/plaza in the South Waterfront District with greenspace and a view of the Hudson River. Features might include a picnic area for local residents and workers, public art, and/or historic/cultural information. This will involve two phases. 


Tricentennial Park Improvements

Repair and redesign one of Downtown’s most utilized parks for a diversity of events and uses by all on a year-round basis. The Downtown Albany BID have completed design concepts. The next step is to prepare final design documents and construct the improvements.


Island Creek Park Improvements

Island Creek Park is one of the few points of connection between the community and the Hudson River in this area and should be a place to enjoy and celebrate that connection. A concept plan has been created based the findings and public input from both the WAVES project and Hudson River Shoreline Stabilization Study. The project would substantially improve both visual and physical access to the water, stabilize the shoreline, and enhance public amenities for park users. < View full concept >


Public Art: Skyway Gallery & Patroon Bridge Mural

(1) Support the development of the “Skyway Gallery”, interactive art, culture, and/or historic installations along the Skyway walkway (e.g. celebrating the history of the canal, local communities and cultures, etc.) and (2) Create a large mural on the support pillars of the Patroon Island Bridge (I90) along the Empire Trail. Install new, large sculptures along the Riverfront Preserve and restore or replace the existing art pieces in this area along the Empire Trail.


Patroon Creek Greenway Expansion

The Patroon Creek Greenway Feasibility Study, conducted in partnership with the City of Albany and the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC), aims to identify a feasible multi-use trail connection (approximately 9 miles in length) from Albany’s Hudson River waterfront west to Six Mile Waterworks Park and Rensselaer Lake.

Summer 2021 Public Survey Results:

Click the links below to view the survey summaries


Public Survey:
South Waterfront District (S-BOA)


Public Survey:
North Warehouse District (N-BOA)


Public Survey:
Albany Waterfront Survey (LWRP)

2021 survey results
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